2010 Turkey Team

The 2010 Turkey Team: (from left) Adrian, Calvin, Jon, Ben, Drew, Daniel and Teacher Nick Linscott

Announcing this year’s Turkey Team: Adrian, Calvin, Jon, Ben, Drew and Daniel. These boys will work with staff members Phil Fairbrother and Nick Linscott to pit roast 5 turkeys for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Day feast. It is an honor to be selected for this responsibility – and a lot of hard work. Check out their itinerary below:

  • Wednesday afternoon the team will work with Academic Lead Nick Linscott to prepare the area for fire safety. They will then dig a large pit and lay a fire ready to be started in the middle of the night.
  • In the wee hours of the night (around 12:00 AM Thanksgiving morning) Operations Director Phil Fairbrother will come in and wake the team. Together they will start the fire and fuel it with a lot of wood for the next 4 hours.
  • At 5:00 AM the foil-wrapped turkeys will be placed in the pit of coals and covered with dirt where they will roast for 5-6 hours.
  • Tomorrow morning Nick and the boys will gently unearth the birds and take them to the kitchen where they will perform their final task of preparing the meat for serving.


Stay tuned for more Turkey Team details and some photos from their all-night experience.

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