Eye Opening Cross Country

Congratulations to the members of the Cherokee Creek Boys School Cross Country Team. The boys ran the South Carolina Eye Opener this past weekend in Spartanburg, SC. The race was a 5K distance with the following participants: Jimmy, Loucas, Michael, Sam & Sam.

Check out a few video highlights below. If you look very closely at the beginning you will see Jimmy blur by in the middle of the pack.

Go Bears!!


posted by Judy Leslie in Community,Students and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Eye Opening Cross Country”

  1. Carla Shorts says:

    I am so proud of all of our boys for their dedication, hard work, and most of all great attitude! Coach Chris has been working so hard with our guys and it’s nice to see all their hard pay off! KEEP IT UP BEARS!!!

  2. harry baby says:

    go bears, ecpecially lemons, keep up your passion for coaching
    go bears