What Is a Leader?

Recent graduate Sam H. was asked to put into words his thoughts on being a leader. Sam graduated in August and clearly learned a great deal about leading while attending CCBS…

Being a Leader

Being a leader means to provide purpose, direction and motivation. What that means is if you lead someone, you need to model these things. You also need to influence them to do what you want them to do. I could have influenced people to follow instructions and to stop having petty arguments. I shouldn’t just tell them what to do because I also need to set the example and do it when it’s not my time to lead.

In being a leader, I have to provide purpose that gives people a reason to do things. That doesn’t mean that I have to explain every little detail. It also means that I will not be the nice guy and it also means I will not make them do anything that will be dangerous. I also have to provide a direction. While doing that, it’s my job as a leader to tell the followers what to do and how to do it. I need to give them specific instructions on what to do. I also have to provide motivation which will give them the willpower to accomplish any set goal they have set for themselves or a group. To motivate them, I should give them a task that challenges them.

I also need to know each individual to know what they like or what they want to do to be able to motivate each one in their own way. Another big part of leadership is goal setting. Goals should be realistic and attainable. Goals should lead to improved readiness. Goals should also involve everybody in the group. I also need to set a schedule to improve goal setting. Problem solving is another big part of leading. You also need to recognize the problem that is accruing.

Primary Counselor Yanic McDowell and Therapist Jane Barker with Sam on graduation day

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