Tour de Cherokee?

Cherokee Creek Boys School student attend spin classMany of the boys at Cherokee Creek Boys School have been really getting into health and fitness. A few days ago, several of our awesome staff members organized a trip to a local gym for a spin class.


They boys were really excited to try something new. They were challenged physically, but like true CCBS Bears, they didn’t give up.


After the event ended, we asked several of the boys what they thought about the experience. Did they learn any thing new about themselves?


Cherokee Creek Boys School at Spin ClassHere are some of their answers:

– (What did you learn that was new?) There are a lot of ways to be active. (What did you learn about yourself?) It can still be fun even if you aren’t really going anywhere. (What did you think about the overall experience?) I want to do it again.

James – (What did you learn about yourself) I found out I enjoy pushing myself. (What did think about the overall experience?) It was fun.


Scott – (What did you learn about yourself) Spin is harder than real biking. (What did you think about the overall experience?)I thought it was pretty good.

Cherokee Creek Boys School attends Spin Class

Lars – (What did you learn about yourself) I can bike. (What did you think about the overall experience?) I would do it again.


We have a great group of boys at Cherokee Creek Boys School that continue to push their limits mentally, emotionally, and physically. In addition to burning off a lot of stored up energy that teenage boys have, they also had the opportunity to build their confidence by trying something new, and being successful with completing the challenge.
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